46-year old suspected ritualist arrested in Kwara

1 week ago 43

A 46-year-old suspected ritualist, Isiaka Adeniyi, has been arrested by the Kwara State constabulary bid aft a failed effort to allegedly usage a 10-year-old lad Akeem Nurudeen for ritual purposes.

The incidental occurred astatine astir 17;30hours astatine Abab Oke Foma country of the Ilorin metropolis according to the spokesperson of the command, Ejire Adeyemi Toun, successful a connection successful Ilorin connected Sunday.

“The Kwara State Police Command received a distress telephone of an attempted culpable homicide and the apprehension of a suspected ritualist successful the state.

“According to accusation received from the constabulary astatine C Division, connected the 2nd of July 2024 astatine astir 1800 hrs, a study was received from Onidoko Police Post indicating that astatine astir 1730 hrs, an incidental occurred successful the Abab Oke-Foma country of Ilorin.

“It was reported that a 10-year-old boy, Akeem Nurudeen, nonmigratory of Abab country Abayawo, Ilorin, was hawking capsicum erstwhile helium was lured into a country by a fishy identified arsenic Isiaka Adeniyi, aged 46, from Ifedapo Community, Oke-Foma area, Ilorin.

” The fishy allegedly lured the unfortunate nether the pretext of purchasing pepper, but alternatively covered the victim’s look with cloth and attempted to slaughter him with a knife.”

Ejire disclosed that the swift enactment of vigilant assemblage members saved the lad and the fishy was apprehended and brought to the station.

” Preliminary probe is presently underway, and the lawsuit has been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) for thorough and discreet investigation.

The authorities Commissioner of Police, Victor Olaiya commended the proactive efforts of the assemblage members successful apprehending the fishy and ensuring that justness is served successful the grievous matter.

He urged the nationalist to stay calm arsenic the constabulary probe continues and assured that the constabulary volition permission nary chromatic unturned successful ensuring the information and information of each residents of Kwara State.

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