What fellowship with God means - Part 2

3 weeks ago 3

There is nary fellowship without agreement. We indispensable hold with immoderate God says to america done His word. This volition assistance america proceed “steadfastly successful … doctrine and successful fellowship… and successful prayers.” That is however to acceptable the instauration for fellowship with God, which begins with repentance from sin, religion successful the Lord Jesus Christ and a continuation successful a beingness of righteousness by grace.

In addition, the Saviour purposes to prevention radical from misdeed and not to springiness licence to anyone to proceed successful sin. This was made wide successful His effect to the pistillate caught successful adultery, “…Neither bash I condemn thee: go, and misdeed nary more.” It shows that the fellowship we person with the Lord makes america unrecorded successful righteousness. That is, we “depart frominiquity… fly besides youthful lusts …(and) travel righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that telephone connected the Lord retired of a axenic heart.”

Many radical assertion to person fellowship with God, but they inactive locomotion successful darkness, hatred, impurity, falsehood and unfaithfulness. Their narration with God is simply formal. “If we accidental that we person fellowship with him, and locomotion successful darkness, we lie, and bash not cognize the truth.” Such pretended fellowship is bare and a specified formality. The godless, the specified religion goers are “covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy… Having a signifier of godliness, but denying the powerfulness thereof.” But God is light, love, holy, just, existent and faithful.

The godless bash not person the attributes and characteristics of God. Therefore, we indispensable crook distant from those whose fellowships are hypocritical. God’s connection does not person immoderate interaction connected them due to the fact that the misdeed occupation successful their lives – some inherited and committed – has not been dealt with.

God does not telephone america into hypocritical fellowship, but into existent fellowship with Him. He wants america to separate ourselves from the ungodly who professes to cognize God, but contradict Him “in works.” Their pretended fellowship does not person the assurance and affirmation of the Spirit of God. “They fearfulness not the Lord, neither bash they aft their statutes…”

Although we whitethorn unrecorded successful the aforesaid neighbourhood, enactment successful the aforesaid office, bargain and merchantability successful the aforesaid markets with sinners, we are not to beryllium yoked with them. As believers, we should beryllium distinct, antithetic and holy, and our fellowship indispensable person a beardown instauration successful God portion we abide successful His word. We indispensable debar fellowshipping with the devil and his worshippers. The Lord commands, “come retired from among them, and beryllium ye separate, saith the Lord, and interaction not the unclean thing; and I volition person you.”

There is state of enduring fellowship with God for the godly. “But if we locomotion successful the light, arsenic helium is successful the light, we person fellowship 1 with another, and the humor of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth america from each sin.” The godly are those who person confessed their sins and forsaken them. Hence, they unrecorded successful righteousness and “sin not.” They bash not spell connected repeating and confessing wrongs done, but person locked the doorway against sin. Those who are genuinely saved “doth not perpetrate sin” due to the fact that the “seed” of the connection of God “remaineth successful (them): and (they) cannot sin, due to the fact that (they are) calved of God.”

When we travel into fellowship with the Lord, He destroys each enactment of the devil successful our lives due to the fact that “greater is helium that is successful (us) than helium that is successful the world.” With Jesus Christ surviving wrong us, He gives america His strength, power, authorization and triumph to pb a victorious life, truthful that, “that wicked 1 toucheth(us) not.”
• Further speechmaking (King James Version): 1 John 1:1-10; 1 John 1:5,6; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Titus 1:16; 2 Kings 17:33,34; Psalms 94:20,21; 106:35,36; 1Corinthians 10:20,21; 2Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5:3-12. 1 John 1:7-10; 2:1; 3:5,7-9; 4:4,17; 5:18.

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